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Category: Life

How am I really doing?

Whew, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind. It was the middle of March when our quarantine began. Life for me suddenly slowed down. And it stayed at this lovely new pace for close to three months. Towards the end of that time I decided that I wanted to begin writing again (see previous post). So a friend helped me get things set up, and I was off and running. Or so I thought.

Since then, things have been hectic. I have never been as busy as I am right now with real estate. Who knew it would take a pandemic to get to that point. But as great as the business has been, I also recognize that I haven’t been this close to burnout in quite awhile. And when I’ve gotten to this place before, I take it serious. I’m no good to anyone when I’m burned out.

Over the next few posts I’m going to share some things I’ve been learning about health and pace and happiness.

Time to start writing again

I started my first blog almost 16 years ago. There was a time during those years that I wrote a lot. But over the past decade that slowed. Much of that was due to the fact everything else in my life was moving faster: young kids, pastoring a church, and starting a business. My writing during those years came primarily through writing sermons.

Now that I’m no longer doing much of that, I’ve begun to miss writing, and so I’ve decided to come back to my blog. My plan is to write on topics that interest me. That means I’ll be writing about spirituality, real estate, money, music, cooking, travel, and in general the things I find interesting.