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Our Backyard Project

Almost eighteen months ago, knowing that we would be spending the summer mostly at home due to the pandemic, we decided to buy an above ground pool. We had a lot of fun with it last summer. Unfortunately this past summer was a different story. Mandy spent more time maintaining the chemicals than the boys actually spent swimming in it. So we decided to get rid of it. That part was easy. Then we needed to decide what to do with our barren yard.

Normally Mandy and I take a long time to make a decision, especially when it involves spending a large chunk of change. This time, however, we decided pretty quickly what to do. When I asked Mandy what she envisioned, she said that she wanted something that reminded her of the pacific northwest. So we knew we wanted trees. We also knew that we wanted grass. We had tried zoysia sod several years ago, and it looked good for one summer, then went downhill from there due to too much shade. So we definitely didn’t want to make that mistake again.

I had met Chris Pettit with Pettit Lawnscapes a few months ago when our neighborhood association hired him to plant trees along one of our streets. I gave him a call and asked him if he could help us. He came over, asked us lots of questions, and shared some ideas. A couple of days later he stopped by with a drawing and estimate. It was what we wanted. Fast forward a few weeks, and Mandy and I are extremely pleased with what we have.

This is where we were by the end of the second day. We had our trees, as well as a flagstone patio and walkway. Here’s where we are two weeks later.

In the end we decided to get lights installed. I’m so glad we did!

Published inFamily