Last updated on November 27, 2024
Today’s reading covers several chapters of , but I want to focus on just a few verses from chapter 8.
I hinted at this a couple of days ago, but there was an original calling that humanity had. It was to be God’s representatives over his good creation. But when we failed to worship God and instead worshiped idols, something happened, to us and to the creation that we failed to steward. Both fell into a sort of disrepair. God then allowed, for quite some time, for us to remain in a state of slavery. That time ended with Jesus, both for us and for creation. Though for creation, it appears that there is still some waiting to be endured.
So what is creation waiting on?
Here’s how NT Wright translates Romans 8:19-21…
Yes, creation itself is on tiptoe with expectation, eagerly awaiting the moment when God’s children will be revealed. Creation, you see, was subjected to pointless futility, not of its own volition, but because of the one who placed it in this subjection, in the hope that creation itself would be freed from its slavery to decay, to enjoy the freedom that comes when God’s children are glorified.
The life-giving relationship that we had with God had been broken due to our rebellion. Jesus’ death came to restore everything that was lost and broken. It of course began with our relationship with God. But it wasn’t just our relationship that was restored. Our vocation was also restored.
Many of us were led to believe that the finish line was receiving the gift of salvation that came through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. But it’s not the finish line. Jesus spoke of it as new birth. No one thinks of the birth of a child as the finish line. It’s the starting point.
Once our relationship with God was restored, now the true work would begin. In Christ God was inviting us to once again take on the role of ambassador of his kingdom. We would once again represent the King. And through every act of justice, kindness and generosity, the creation that had been broken would begin to be restored.
That’s why creation is on tiptoe with expectation. It knows what is coming. It is waiting on us!